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Sunday, 23 November 2014

Online Birth Certificate becomes Service First for Indonesian Citizen

By : Rizz

Indonesian citizen (citizen) is a major component in the establishment of a State. Without the people of the State had never existed. Recently, public administration services in Indonesia create new innovations. One innovation that is making Deed services online. Service requirements with Electronic Government (E-Gov) certainly would get a lot of changes in the improvement of service to the people of Indonesia. Deed which is a birth certificate for a baby who became citizens Indonesi (citizen). Deed of online public services will be the first to be received by a citizen in this case that a newborn baby to get citizenship status.
After going through the process of socialization during the three months of this online service deed will begin to run in this month. Department of Population and Civil Registration (Dispendukcapil) is a public agency service providers. This online certificate service came into force in the city of Surabaya. Surabaya city should be proud because the E-gov services are first implemented in the Hero City. These services can be accessed by residents of Surabaya over the internet online. But if there are people who have difficulty in Surabaya City residents can register access computer which has been provided at the district office or at the district office.
Online certificate policy is a public development policy that is quite important for all Indonesian people. Conditions of a new family blessed with a baby I do not bother to take care of the deed through a long bureaucratic table. Simply by registering online, they can get a deed baby. This online certificate policy is a type of public policy Public Goods. Where the policy is made in an effort to provide better service services or goods to the general community.
On the other hand, this policy requirement by E-gove which the deed is done by means of online. E-gov itself has several important emphasis that is the utilization of information technology (the Internet, WAN, mobile computing, etc.), their aim to improve services to the public, namely the existence of public services online (online public services) and their goal to transform the relationship between government agencies with residents, business or other governmental units.
The procedure for using the online services deed is quite easy, as follows (Java Post, 2014):
1.      Fill out the registration form on the website (dispendukcapil.surabaya.go.id).
2.      Print the results of the registration form.
3.      Bring in the printed registration form to be signed to the village headman, and then complete the requirements.
4.      bringing the printed application form along with the results of the completeness of the demands to dispendukcapil for verification officers.
5.      Waiting deed so.
          With a simple enough procedure is expected to Indonesian citizens and especially the citizens of Surabaya no difficulty in handling the administrative requirements that must be met when it became a citizen of Indonesia. There is no longer any reason for the citizen does not have certificates. If there is a citizen who until now did not have expected to immediately take care of the deed deed with oneline service that has been provided by the government. Goods Public policy must necessarily be as easy and cheap as possible so that the public good in all social class can access and enjoy. So that all citizens will be happy indonesi maintains the things that are public administration needed to facilitate all affairs relating to state and private, such as ID cards, KK, SKCK and others. When the orderly administration citizen then that is where the government will benefit from the record and get information about the state of the citizen, which can later be used to take another public policy relating to the welfare of the people of Indonesia.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Bureaucracy Reform in Indonesia

By : Riz z


Bureaucracy reform constitutes one solution to ensure that bureaucracy is professional and accountable in performing its task. One of the methods of bureaucracy reform is the performance of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Governance Administration Making. The effect of SOP-AP making is to perfect the administration process, thus increasing the quality of service provided to society. The Health Department of The East Javanese Province is one of the regional work units who carry out  bureaucracy reform by performing SOP-AP making throughout its organization environment.
This paper intends to describe and analyze bureaucracy reform within The  Health Department of The East Javanese Province on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Governance Administration Making. The research method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The prime informant of this research is The  Health Department of The East Javanese Province secretary, who also became a chairman of the drafting team of SOP-AP in the organizational level, and was once a chairman of the drafting team of SOP-AP in the Sub Division of Administration. The techniques of data collection used are interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was performed along with data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.
The observational result is that The  Health Department of The East Javanese Province has successfully performed bureaucratic reform. The form of bureaucratic reform is SOP-AP making. In general SOP-AP making at The  Health Department of The East Javanese Province to the extent of developmental phase was successful, although there are some weaknesses that must be fixed. According to the analysis, based on the SOP-AP making steps that were undertaken in Permenpan Number 21 Year 2008 about SOP-AP Making Guidances there are weakness that were identified, namely at the preparation phase through the absence of the decision letter in team formation and the completeness. At the needs assessment phase, they only use data analysis of the position. On the developmental phase, there is a step skipped by the team in the preparation of the SOP-AP Sub Division of Administration, as the SOP-AP that was approved prior to the review. As can be expected for future implementation, The  Health Department of The East Javanese Province may perform SOP-AP making based on a step that exist in Permenpan Number 21 Year 2008 as a whole without skipping any steps.

Keywords: Bureaucracy reform, SOP-Governance Administration

Background of Problem
The key task of the Indonesian government is to meet the needs of residents negarannya. The fulfillment of the requirements made by the government to use its organizations ranging from the top level to the grass root level. As revealed Sinambela (2008: 5) states in this case the government (bureaucrats) must be able to meet the needs of the community. The need in this case is not the individual needs but the various needs of the community expected, for example, the need for health, education and others.
Heavy duty carried bureaucracy will be implemented properly if bureaucracy run by professional and accountable. In fact bureaucracy in Indonesia is still weak in carrying out the task. Many of the problems faced by the state bureaucracy third part such as Indonesia. According Dwiyanto, et al (2008: 29-30) feudalistic behavior within the bureaucracy that preserved by the colonial government have contributed greatly to the cause of the pathology of bureaucracy.
Some text book many states that government bureaucracy is an organization that is fat, slow and cumbersome procedures so costly and time (Wicaksono, 2006: 11).
The many problems that exist in Indonesian bureaucracy makes bureaucracy performance in governance and serve the community on the wane and no maximum. Based on data from the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy in Dwiyanto, et al (2008: 55) Indonesian bureaucracy quality ratings in 2001 is still under Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. Bureaucracy supposed to be implementing in providing services citizens need to be really professional and accountable.
Reform of the bureaucracy be the right solution to address the existing problems in the bureaucracy in Indonesia. Rearrangement and bureaucratic reform in Indonesia should be a government priority. This is in line Presidential Decree No. 81 of 2010 on the Grand Design Reforms 2010-2025 (Ministry of Law, 2010) and the Regulation of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform (Permenpan) Number 15 Year 2008 concerning General Guidelines Reforms. Bureaucratic reform includes institutional arrangements, management arrangement, the arrangement of human resources personnel, accountability and service and quality of service (Sedarmayanti, 2009: 71).
There are many ways to reform the bureaucracy, one of which is the arrangement of management. Of the many problems of bureaucracy, problem management is one of the problems that often arise. Though ketaalaksanaan have an important role for the implementation of the government. The state apparatus fittings countries covering the field of institutional, management, and personnel who have responsibility in governance (Thoha, 2009: 113-114). Management is an important element in the government bureaucracy that must be addressed Indonesia. This is in accordance with the frame of the 1945 amendment, the Ministry of Administrative Reform of the Republic of Indonesia which Interpret into the fourth dimension of aspects that need to be reorganized through policy recommendations, one of the four dimensions of these aspects namely policy simplification and automation to solve problems or system management procedures (Wicaksono, 2006: 15).
Structuring of management as part of the reform of the bureaucracy may include structuring mechanisms, systems and procedures are simple or quick, easy and accurate through the optimal use of information and communications technology and infrastructure adequate job. Empirical form of management mechanisms and procedures within a bureaucracy that is standard operating procedures (SOPs). SOP is a general rule to an operational mechanism job functions. There are two types of SOP by Permenpan Number 21 Year 2008 on Guidelines for Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Administration, the first is technical SOP is a standard procedure that is very detailed and technical nature. Second, the administrative SOP which is a standard procedure that is intended for the types of jobs that are administrative in nature. SOP is used in government administrative bureaucracy can be called with the Standard Operating Procedures Administration (SOP-AP).
The existence of SOP-AP is vital for the government bureaucracy, make any bureaucracy should have SOP-AP. East Java Provincial Health Office is one of the government agencies that are required to have SOP-AP at the institutional level, the fields and sub-section or section. SOP-AP based Permenpan No. 21 of 2008 to the obligations to be performed by the East Java Provincial Health Office.
Based on preliminary observations made by researchers, found symptoms in the process of preparation of SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration in East Java Provincial Health Office. Where these symptoms, such as lack of detailed understanding of Permenpan No. 21 of 2008, the implementation of which is slow and not on target, as well as the preparation of SOP-AP is not systematically, to the need for in-depth study to assess the "Reforms in East Java Provincial Health Office In the SOP-AP "

Root of The Problem
Based on the background then, the formulation of the problem in this research is how Reforms in East Java Provincial Health Office In SOP-AP?

Research Objectives
Composition Komposisi Penelitian Adalah UNTUK menganalisis Reformasi Birokrasi di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur PADA Penyusunan SOP-AP.

Benefits Research
Theoretically expected benefits of the research will have implications for the theoretical knowledge of state administration, especially the study of bureaucratic reform. Practical benefits that can provide understanding, additional insight and knowledge of students about the real condition of the practice of bureaucratic reform in Indonesia. Moreover, it can be input for the implementation of the Public Health Service Prov Java-AP SOP development and as data for policy making in the future.

Study of Reformation Bureaucracy:
In general, the bureaucracy purposely created for large task. The meaning of the sentence gives a logical consequence that is essentially bureaucracy is something useful and profitable. Bureaucracy plays an important role for the government and society. As described by Taylor Cole in his work entitled "The Canadian bureaucracy" in Albrow (2007: 120) "The term bureaucracy is not used here in the sense that despicable (individious), but merely refers to a group of human beings or the workers who perform the function which is considered important by the community.
Many definitions of bureaucracy, one of which is the definition according to the Dictionary Indonesian bureaucracy in Santosa (2008: 1), which explains that the bureaucracy is a system of government that is run by government employees by adhering to the hierarchy and hierarchy. While Azhari (2011: xviii) describes the overall organization of government bureaucracy as the duty of the state in various organizational units under the department or non-department in the center and regions. The same thing also delivered Kristadi in Waluyo (2007: 53) that essentially the bureaucracy has an organizational structure which has the task of government around the spacious with large human resources. Can be seen from the above definition that the bureaucracy is a form of government organization which has the task in menyelenggrakan government by adhering to the rules, hierarchies, and a clear division of duties.
Bureaucracy is made not without reason and purpose. There are a lot of hope that the bureaucracy charged. Bureaucracy is made to achieve government objectives in the public welfare. According to Ripley and Franklin in Wicaksono (2006: 9) provision of government bureaucracy objectives are as follows: provide a number of services as the nature of the responsibilities of government, promoting the interests of specific economic sectors such as agriculture, labor or certain segments of the private business, make regulations on various mendestribusikan private activity and a number of advantages such as income, rights, medical care and other.
To achieve these objectives bureaucratic tasks should know and be able to function as a service provider for the community organization. Bureaucratic tasks are efforts to be made by the bureaucracy to achieve its objectives. Bureaucratic tasks not only provide services to the community in the strict sense, but also plays a role managing the public development policy (Sedarmayanti, 2009: 70-71). One part of the management policies implemented by the bureaucracy that is making the decision. The initial step in the management of policies is how the role of bureaucracy in making decisions. Robert Presthus in Santosa (2008: 14) shows the role of bureaucracy in decision-making, namely in terms of which he described as: regulators under the laws and regulations (delegated legislation), pemprakarsa policy (bureaucrary's role in initiating policy), internal desire bureaucracy to gain power, security, and compliance (bureaucrary's internal drive of power, security and loyalty).
            Many things affect the success of a bureaucracy in performing their duties. Characteristics inherent in the bureaucracy is one of the internal influence in the implementation of bureaucratic tasks. Denis H. Wrong in Santosa (2008: 10) reveals that every bureaucracy has the following main structural features: the division of labor, hierarchy of authority, rules and regulations are detailed, and impersonal relationships among workers.
            One of the characteristics of rational bureaucracy weber affecting bureaucracy in carrying out tasks in order to effectively and efficiently adalan existence of formal rules.

Implementation Management
Reform of the bureaucracy would hobble so slow to achieve its objectives if there is no management arrangement. Management is that drives the wheels of bureaucracy in organizing government and service to the community. Indonesian Dictionary (KBI) in Sedarmayanti (2009: 88) gives the definition of "governance is the way care of (run, execute) business activity (corporation). Waldo in Suwarno and Widhi (without year) adds that management is a way to cooperate in the implementation of organizational tasks.
Management arrangement which is part of the reform of the bureaucracy must have a purpose. The purpose of management arrangement is not to create governance procedures, mechanisms and systems that work effectively and efficiently in organizing government and public service. The purpose of management pedayagunaan according Sedarmayanti (2009: 88) there are two, namely, realizing governance compact or simple, effective, efficient and transparent and provide excellent service and empower.
Structuring of management that is focused on governance systems, procedures and working mechanisms of government officers will tend to be difficult to implement. Work habits are less effective and efficient are attached to the bureaucracy will affect the structuring of management in the reform of the bureaucracy. Need the right strategy in the implementation of management arrangement for the right target.

Standard Operating Procedure Administration (SOP-AP)
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) has been a part of the elements of the ideal bureaucracy. According to Max Weber in Thoha (2007: 18) one of the elements of the ideal bureaucracy that is the formal rules become controlling and monitoring the performance of officials in the bureaucracy. Formal rules become something important and used as the basis to perform tasks in the organization achieve its goals. In this age of globalization almost all existing government bureaucracy must have formal rules.
Judging from its function, SOP functioning form work system and work flow orderly, systematic, and accountable; describe how the purpose of the work carried out in accordance with the policies and regulations; explain how the process of implementation of activities take place; as a means of sort order of implementation and administration of the daily work as specified method; ensure consistency and systematic work processes; and establish a reciprocal relationship between work unit.
SOP-AP must run the stages, such as: preparation, needs assessment, development, integration and management and monitoring and evaluation is in Permenpan Number 21 Year 2008 on Guidelines for Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Administration. What is in fact Permenpan also been based on the theory of existing SOP development. This can be seen in a book written by Tambunan (2011) entitled "Technical Guidelines for Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures". In the book contains technical stages of the development of SOP ranging from the preparation phase to the maintenance phase and audit.

Types of Research
This type of research will be explained based on the objectives, methods, levels of explanation, the type of data and data analysis. Based on the purpose of applied (applied research), this study was conducted to test the ability of a theory applied in solving practical problems.
Based on the method of naturalistic or qualitative methods, this study was conducted with a series of activities or processes to capture information from a reasonable circumstances (natural setting) in the life of an object that is associated with solving a problem both from the point of view of both theoretical and practical, so that qualitative research is inductive because not starting from the hypothesis as a generalization, for verifiable through the collection of data that is specific.
Based on the level of descriptive explanation, this study was conducted to better value independent variables, one variable or more without making comparisons or connect with other variables. While based on the type of data and qualitative analysis, this research is done by using the data in the form of words, sentences, drawings and schematics. Menggnakan data analysis techniques without statistical or qualitative analysis is usually called qualitative descriptive. Sugiyono (2010: 14) explains that the research method most naturalistic or qualitative data is qualitative.
Location and Focus Research
The location of this research is in the East Java Provincial Health Office, precisely in the Sub-Division of Administration. The focus of this research is bureaucracy reform in East Java Provincial Health Office in the preparation of standard operating procedures based administration Permenpan Number 21 Year 2008 on Guidelines for Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Administration.
SOP-AP based Permenpan No. 21 of 2008 is the preparation of SOP-APs that are under the appropriate stages have been determined, such as: the preparation phase, the SOP needs assessment stage, the stage of development, integration in the management and monitoring and evaluation. The stages will be a reference for the preparation of SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office

Source of Data
The informants were used as sources (key informants) in this study are as follows:
First, the Secretary of Health Office of East Java Province, Mrs. Dr. Endang Damayanti. The information to be obtained, which is information relating to the commitment of the leadership of the preparation of SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office, support and how to inject the spirit that made the leader of the editorial team of the SOP-AP-AP SOP development notification made by the leadership of the the whole range of East Java Provincial Health Office, and the level of detail or the desired accuracy pempinan terhdap compiled SOP-AP.
Second namely, Chairman of the Drafting Team SOP-AP Level Organizational and Work Unit Level in Sub-Division of Administration, Mrs. cicik Swi Antika, SKM. The information to be obtained, which is information relating to the implementation stages of the preparation of SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office precisely in the Sub-Division of Administration.

Data Collection Techniques
Data collection techniques used in research on the development of SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office, which is a technique triagulasi. Where researchers will combine three kinds of data collection techniques are: unstructured interviews, observation frankly and dokementasi

Data Analysis Techniques
According to Susan Stainback in Sugiyono (2011: 244) argues that "Data analysis is critical to the qualitative research process" (Analysis of the data is critical in the process of qualitative research). Furthermore Sugiyono (2011: 244) explains that the data analysis is the process of systematically searching and compiling data obtained from interviews, field notes and documentation, by classifying into categories, choose what is important and then concluded.
Data from interviews, observation and documentation will be easier when analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Qualitative descriptive analysis is an analysis that is used to discuss and explain the results of research on the various symptoms or cases which can be described by using words that can not be measured by numbers but requires elaboration of a clear description. This descriptive analysis techniques used by researchers to analyze the development of SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office.

Discussion SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office
SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office will be covered by the existing phases in Permenpan Number 21 Year 2008 on Guidelines for Preparation of SOP-AP. Where up to this thesis was written only three stages of the drafting team was run SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office: the preparation phase, assessment and development needs.

Preparation of an initial phase to be implemented by the East Java Provincial Health Office before carrying out the preparation of SOP-AP. During the preparation stage, there are three steps that must be met, namely:

Image 4.9
Preparation in SOP according Permenpan No. 21 of 2008  

When viewed at the preparation stage and the steps that must be performed on the stage of preparation, East Java Provincial Health Office has been doing quite well. It can be known from top management commitment in this regard, the Secretary of East Java Provincial Health Office in the preparation of SOP-AP efforts in the organizational environment. Such support can be seen from his commitment that responded positively to the development of SOP-AP.
The positive response was also accompanied by his firmness to always ordered his staff to immediately implement and have SOP-AP in each work unit. Ease of permits and disposition for the various procedures of him, facilitate more flexible organizational level team engaged in carrying out the purposes of the SOP-AP. Not only was the ease in obtaining approval for the preparation of the budget SOP-AP also makes the team more quickly move. Budget funds provided in the preparation of SOP-AP is not only once but twice, at an early stage is the preparation of SOP-AP socialization and final stage review SOP-AP.
Bureaucratic habits happy to be in the comfort zone and routines rejected by him. Sekdin, does not agree with the routine of employees who tend to stagnant or running in place. This will affect ketidakterserapannya budget for East Java Provincial Health Office. Sekdin strong commitment from the staff members below it inevitably will follow the new changes, that every task is done every employee should have SOP-AP. This is what ultimately gives pressure to the structural and oprasioanal officials to carry out the preparation of SOP-AP. What was done by Mother Sekdin is one of the strategies of bureaucratic reform. Where the strategy relating to the renewal of mind-set (mindset) and culture-set (culture) (Sedarmayanti, 2009: 76).
After getting the support of East Java Province Health Department then establish an organizational level team of six people. Although already terdapt team organizational level, but there are still some weaknesses. General management functions internal to the organization is located in the Sub-Division of Administration, but in the narrow sense any real field also has the function of management, while the delegation sent by the leadership of the field is not necessarily an employee who is in a position of management. But those who are in the preparation of SOP-AP team must really the right person, as described by Tambunan (2011: 127) after assigning tasks and responsibilities, further activities to form a team that establishes the right person in the right position (the right man in the right place).
The impact arising from inaccuracies in the determination of the team members, which is a weakness in the grasp of abiding or team members. Where it ultimately affects the internal organization of the collection targets ketidakterpenuhinya SOP-AP which should be collected on December 21, 2012. The collection of SOP-AP will be done at the beginning of the Year 2013.
Further weakness which led to non-fulfillment of the target is the absence of the decree issued by the Secretary of the formation team and organizational level of completeness. Completeness team includes: organizational level team leader, team executive, job descriptions of each member, the authority of the team, teamwork mechanisms, schedules and other relevant for the team in performing their duties. Only the chairman and the executive team which can be known only through oral delivery. Mother cicik as team leader and five organizational level as the employee or member of the executive team each from every field and the Secretariat. Non-compliance with the completeness of the team as untuh makes the implementation of team work schedules determined personally by the Chairman of the team. Whereas the principle of the division of duties and delegation of authority must be present in every team work. As described by Sedarmayanti (2009: 81) needs to determine the division of tasks, ensuring the responsibility for organizing the task. Formulation of clear job will prevent duplication, collision and haziness. It is added by Tambunan (2011: 123) that the phase formation and organization of the team is to develop a set division of tasks (job descriptions) team members are presented in a clear and systematic language and compiled by involving members of the team concerned.
At the team level units that perform the preparation of SOP-AP in each sub-section and section formed by the Head of sub-section or section. The number of members in the team is not the same and it is the policy of the Head of the section or sub-section of each, such as the number of employees who are on the team-AP SOP development in Sub-Division of Administration of seven employees.
SOP-AP were conducted by a team of both organizational level and the level of the work unit will run well when the team members have to understand about the task to be doing. Efforts made East Java Provincial Health Office in giving this understanding, by carrying out training on the preparation of technical guidance SOP-AP. This training is translated by the East Java Provincial Health Office as socialization and preparation of the technical guidance of SOP-AP, because if the training was done in a long time and have a curriculum, while socialization and Bimtek quite done a few days only. Socialization is carried out by a team of organizational level to all members of either team or organizational unit level. Socialization is good enough to bring the main speakers of the Bureau of the Organization to explain the development of SOP-AP based Permenpan No. 21 of 2008. The presence of the right speaker will give a correct understanding and easily understood by the editorial team of SOP-AP both organizational level and unit.
The team will also work well when there is support from the leadership and the employees of an organization that will directly engage the preparation of SOP-AP. Therefore, the employees in each work unit and the unit should know that the East Java Provincial Health Office will undertake the preparation of SOP-AP. One way in which the East Java Provincial Health Office to inform their development of SOP-AP dilingkungannya ie, made with apple every morning to inform all employees of the East Java Provincial Health Office conducted by Ms. Damayanti as sendin East Java Provincial Health. Not only is it a more formal efforts to inform that each unit should develop SOP-AP is to create memos are given in each section and sub-section in the East Java Provincial Health Office.

Needs Assessment
SOP-AP needs assessment is the process of beginning the preparation of SOP-AP were performed to identify the need for SOP-AP were prepared to be. For organizations that already have a SOP-AP, then the stage is a stage husband to see it re-SOP-AP The already dimilikinnya and identify and add SOP-AP takes. For organizations that have not been at all SOP-AP, then the husband is a pure process identifies the SOP-AP.
East Java Provincial Health Office is a government organization and SOP, but not the SOP-AP. SOP owned East Java Provincial Health Office is located at each field, except subsection administration. SOPs are also not recorded and is still a country paper sheets. Sub-functions that have SOPs in East Java Provincial Health Office is a sub-function is a crucial function, such as borrowing money, and others. Standard preparation SOPnya was also very different between the SOP with each other.
Based on the above reasons, the East Java Provincial Health Office to assess the needs of SOP-AP. It is known that the SOP-AP needs assessment conducted in East Java Provincial Health Office of the stage to see the reintroduction of SOP-AP has with him and to identify and add the necessary SOP-AP.
Ways in which the East Java Provincial Health Office in this regard that the drafting team SOP-AP organizational level and unit using the data analysis guidance office. SOP-AP which originated from the output makes the team chose to use job analysis of data that contains the sub-functions that must be done every employee. Basically it is quite helpful and can be used to determine how many procedures should be standardized. But in reality there are several sub-field functions performed by employees who are not included in the data analysis office. In general, job analysis did not include in details and details of the tasks that must be done by each employee. Guidelines for job analysis only includes an outline of the functions and duties of each position. Analysis of existing positions in the East Java Provincial Health Office has not updated regularly. This is what makes the data from the job analysis can not be used in the patent to be the basis for assessing the needs of SOP-AP will be prepared.

The next stage of a team to draft SOP-AP, after a needs assessment that is under development. The development phase is the third phase of the five stages to go through the drafting team SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office. At this stage of development of this SOP, there are five steps that must be met are as follows:

Image 4.12
Stage of development in
preparation of SOP by Permenpan No. 21 Tahun2008

Based on observations and interviews found SOP-AP stages of development in East Java Provincial Health Office which is different from the development stage Permenpan Number 21 Year 2008.
The first step taken SOP-AP drafting team during the development phase, namely the collection of information and the identification of alternatives. Identification by the editorial team of the SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office, on the Sub-Division of Administration has been quite good. This can be seen in the distribution of resources to obtain information about the workflow (work flow). SOP-AP drafting team in the Sub-Division of Administration using primary and secondary sources. The use of primary and secondary sources will have consequences on the use of information-gathering techniques to be used.
Information gathering techniques used on primary sources, namely the technique of brainstorming, focus group discussion (FGD) and interviews. While the information collection techniques used on secondary sources, namely the technique of document review.
SOP-AP drafting team in the Sub-Division of Administration using techniques branstorming once. This technique is quite appropriate for use by the editorial team of the SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration for Sub-Division of Administration has no SOP-AP at all. Mother cicik always chairman of the drafting team SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration which has been getting organized provision of Technical Guidance Bureau of East Java Provincial Government Organization, guiding the course of brainstorming. Brainstorming was attended by seven employees, including Mrs. cicik.
SOP-AP drafting team in the Sub-Division of Administration also uses the technique of focus group discussion (FGD) to obtain in-depth information about the procedures to be standardized proedur. Drafting team SOP-AP Sub-Division of Administration has benefited from the use of FGD ie, find prodesur-effective and efficient procedures. FGD drafting team SOP-AP Sub-Division of Administration invites participants mempunyaai coordinator position of each function in the Administrative like, Mrs. cicik himself as coordinator of public relations and protocol fungus, Mr. and Mrs. Lia Laksono coordinator functions and institutional organizations and others. The presence of the coordinator is quite effective, because it will help the editorial team of the SOP-AP Sub-Division of Administration in depth information.
When the information collected by the editorial team of SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration is still considered less. Teams do with the information gathering interview techniques. Interview techniques into final engineering team selected to obtain in-depth information from an informant saumber (key informant). Resource persons are employees who carry out direct or primary implementation of the sub-functions of the job.
Secondary sources used drafting team SOP-AP Sub-Division of Administration to get information is to use the technique of document review. Documents reviewed is the job analysis document. Job analysis document contains information about the duties of a position that will be standardized. Drafting team SOP-AP Sub-Division of Administration study first the data of the job analysis before making the collection of information by using primary sources. It can be said that the technique of document review be conducted in the early techniques before information gathering techniques that others do.
These three data collection techniques above are streets with well by the editorial team of SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration. The selection of these three techniques in accordance with the state of the Sub-Division of Administration. Can be seen as the selection and brainstorming techniques led by Mrs. cicik FGD as team leader who never get Bimtek preparation of SOP-AP and attended by members of the team to which they are the coordinator of each function in the Sub-Division of Administration. People who are competent in the drafting team SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration to make the preparation of SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration accountable and set an example by sub-section and other sections. This is consistent with the Tambunan (2011: 219) procedures for obtaining data from interviews, analysis, benchmarking should be done effectively and by a competent person for the results and final conclusions can be accounted for.
First succeeded in the preparation of SOP-AP from other units, making the Sub-Division of Administration as an example for other teams units. Team of units other work in East Java Provincial Health Office when preparing SOP-AP, obtain information from the Sub-Division of Administration. Techniques of information gathering information by the editorial team of SOP-AP in other units with the example of Sub-Division of Administration called benchmark techniques. Melaksanaka benchmark technique is not easy, there must be careful planning because the information that can be gathered from this technique comes from the unit really has succeeded in preparing SOP-AP. Therefore, the end of this strategic step was taken and run by a team of authors SOP organizational level. Where this technique is carried out through technical assistance and dissemination to all SOP drafting teams in the East Java Provincial Health Office both an organizational level and unit.
Information on the procedures obtained by the Sub-Division of Administration is not directly managed to be written into a SOP-AP. Drafting team SOP-AP Sub-Division of Administration to implement the analysis based on the principles of the development of SOP-AP. These principles were: the ease and clarity, efficiency and effectiveness, alignment, measurable, dynamic, user-oriented, and legal compliance and the last one must have a clear legal certainty. The eighth principle which is the reference for the drafting team SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration. How that is done by a team penysun SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration that is efficient enough to give an explanation directly to the employee, in order to not only provide information bekenaan steps to implement a job but also menulisakan raw quality of the work. This standard quality operationally contains those principles.
Actually, the method performed by the editorial team of SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration is very simple, effective and efficient. They do two jobs at once, namely the collection of information while writing SOP-AP. Wherein the method is done by providing a blank form front and rear yard SOP-AP to each employee to be filled berdasaarkan function does. So it can be said on the basis of the writing implement SOP-AP is an employee. The team just trying to direct and coordinate. However writing SOP-AP performed by each employee is still not perfect, sometimes there are employees who are not able to do it and only written in the form of notes, so the team may try to translate the record to be written into a SOP-AP.
The type of SOP-AP compiled by a team of Sub-Division of Administration is the type of SOP-AP adaministrasi government. While the format used is a flowchart (followharts). Selection flow chart format by the editorial team of SOP-AP Sub-Division of Administration dikarena the format is easy to understand and be understood. Mechanical flow or flow chart is a very specific technique that is widely used in information system development and preparation of standard operating procedures. Not only the excellence of technique flow chart were: can be presented much more concise than using words or phrases (narrative technique), can be presented more consistent if the flow chart technique mastered and applied appropriately, more practical and easier to understand if users understand the meaning flow chart symbols, and the latter is more easily controlled and maintained, due to the nature of the presentation more concise and systematic Jahu (Tambunan, 2011: 184).
Of the seven kinds of symbols, only one symbol that can not be translated by the editorial team of SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration. The symbol is a symbol plug-displacement activity on a page that can be seen in Figure 4.7. Kekerbatasan in understanding the symbols are not to affect vatal, because it does not need the use of symbols used in writing SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration. However it is possible, if the identification is done re-AP discovered that writing SOP requires the use of these symbols, will mepersulit writing SOP-AP and ultimately hinder the development of SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration and other sub-units.
Charge-AP SOP documents that must be met such as: title page, endorsement sheet-AP SOP document, a list of the contents of documents SOP-AP, a brief explanation of the use of, their own standard operating procedures covering (SOP-AP name, work unit or units of work, number document, date of creation, revision date, effective date, approval by the competent authorities, the legal basis, linkage, warnings, qualification of personnel, equipment and supplies as well as a description of SOP-AP) is largely already filled by the editorial team of the SOP-AP Sub-Section Administration. It's just that have not been filled is the date of revision. That is because the development of SOP Kesehatah Office of East Java Province is still on the move.
The plan step testing and review SOP-AP at an organizational level will be held in March in the year 2013. New next step after the review is SOP approval by the competent authority in this regard, the Secretary of Health Office of East Java Province. There are skipped steps in the preparation of SOP-AP carried out by a team of Sub Division of Administration here. The skipped step is a step review. Team-AP SOP development in Sub-Division of Administration has not conducted a review of SOP-AP but already passed. Reason drafting team SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration to do this because, in order to SOP-APs in the Sub-Division of Administration has a legal umbrella. So it can be used as an example in the preparation of SOP-AP in other units, which ultimately will accelerate the development of SOP-AP at an organizational level.
Step in the preparation of SOP-AP skipped by the drafting team SOP-AP Sub Division of Administration, when partially understood it looks right. However, when viewed in a holistic or comprehensive, preparation of SOP-AP to skip the specified will affect not good. SOP-APs in the Sub-Division of Administration has not tested whether the SOP-AP has been banar or not. Although the penyusunanya SOP-AP is rewriting a routine which is usually performed by employees. Still need to be reviewed before the SOP-AP was passed due. One of the most important things that exist at the stage of review is to test. The test is very important to the editorial team of SOP-AP Sub-Division of Administration. As described by Tambunan (2011: 256) that the pilot phase is an effort and means to ensure that the results of the activities it has been perfect. Pilot phase has a degree of certainty the results.

In accordance with the data obtained and see the purpose of this study, the conclusions of research on Analysis of Reforms In the SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office, among others :
Bureaucratic reform in East Java Provincial Health Office has been done. Reform of the bureaucracy itself is in the structuring of management by doing the preparation of SOP-AP. SOP-AP is run by the East Java Provincial Health Office to improve the quality of public services in the area of East Java, especially in health care. Utilization SOP-AP is intended to be a standardized way in which employees do the job to be efficient, effective, coherent and able to meet the target. There are several steps that run East Java Provincial Health Office in the preparation of SOP-AP as preparation, appraisal and development needs.
Stages and steps that must be met to draft SOP-AP as preparation, needs assessment, development, integration in the management, monitoring and evaluation as a whole is still not implemented. Phase already implemented a new three phases: preparation, appraisal and development needs. While the integration phase in the management and monitoring and evaluation has not been implemented. In general, the preparation of SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office to the stage of development has been going well, although there are still some weaknesses that must be addressed.
Some weaknesses are identified, namely the preparatory stage, there are still weaknesses in the preparation stage like, to form a team and completeness that no decree of the Secretary, and there is no division of tasks and responsibilities. At this stage of the needs assessment, only the data obtained from the analysis position, and do not run the rare-step at this stage, as appropriate, so that the SOP-AP are identified not maximized. At this stage of development, also has not gone well, where there are steps skipped by the drafting team SOP-AP in Sub-Division of Administration, such as the SOP-AP which was approved prior to the reviews.

According to the results of research in the field of development of SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office, the author gives some advice on the identification of weaknesses in the preparation of SOP-AP which is expected to be an alternative in helping to solve problems or enhance the development of SOP-AP in the future , among others:
Expected development of SOP-AP in accordance with existing guidelines, which is based Permenpan No. 21 of 2008 as a whole. No measures are not implemented, so not a lot of obstacles in the development of SOP-AP resulting in not achieving the target.
SOP-AP in East Java Provincial Health Office does not need to be done in a hurry and set targets within a short time frame. It will lead to leap a step in the preparation of SOP-AP.
Expected to soon meet the completeness of the team, so that the team can work optimally. SOP-AP must be based on the principles of implementation of the SOP and SOP-AP that has been made is necessary to test, in order to create SOP-AP dynamic and effective.


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