Saturday 15 November 2014

Relationship Bureaucracy And Social System

By : Riz z

      To realize the dream of a social system that really conducive sometimes just be a fairy tale Indonesian nation that continues to be told in various corners of the city today. Bureaucrats as the crew of the social system, should be able to run a consensus system.

      Adequate capacity must exist within a social system crew. Start of integrity, accountability and others as social capital to run a balanced system that lead to a situation that is conducive. Here is the purpose of our society. But the fact that not all people who are able to create this situation, such as Indonesia.
      Excess Indonesia with the myriad countries make this country a lot of experienced conflicts in various facets of life. Here we will only discuss collisions economically. An aspect that is considered unusual for grabs people. Here is an important task of the system sebuh crew. The consensus in the social system in order to keep it straight and runs well, needs a chosen ones who ultimately these people are given the mandate to govern in the system. Ruled here that govern people to maintain the system. the chosen ones can we call a bureaucracy. Aa group of people whose social administrative tasks narrowly. Broadly duties that keep the consensus of the social system in order to stay balanced and strabil.
       Keeping the system means having to maintain a balance in the system, including in economic terms. Striking disparity between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat to balance the system is no longer balanced. This is the task of bureaucrats to balance it. Bureaucracy makes atauran or surefire formula for leveling ekomoni potential in every area even every soul in the aa society. Because it itersebut is mustahi. The potential of the area is a natural event that has digariskanoleh creator and The Poor and The Rich is also a great couple that can not be separated or eliminated one. Bureaucracy just need to build semuah formulations with through a constitution or convention of a circumstances where the rich love the Poor and the Rich Poor love. This is what needs to dibagun. The figure of the rich will never exist if they are not reinforced by the status of the poor. If all the rich or have the same potential then there is no mention of the poor, even there is no mention of the rich, because it does not exist.
      The crew of the social system is punting boats mempu system running stable social order amid the ocean. Where the condition of the ocean that can not be guessed from the storm and others must be overcome. 
       The task of a crew not only to balance or maintain the stability of social systems ship remained on the swift and strong storm waves amid a sea of ever-changing era, but the crew was also able to direct or paddling the boat towards the dream that the livelihoods of communities. Direction when and directions rower must be true that no one way that globalization becomes inedible social systems follower of large social systems. Bureaucracy as the crew does not have to close the door tightly ship so that people from other vessels not singgal dikapalnya. They need to keep interacting with other social systems. They had also must remain beradatapsi without leaving the culture. Because a great nation is a nation that still upholds its culture. With negitu Indonesia will be able to become a great nation. Bangasa which has a strong personality and be able to stand at the foot itself. Nation respected and feared opponent friend



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